Some Call It Education,
We Call It Transformation!


Inspire a new generation to thrive in an evolving world through

the conscious use and awareness of their inner power.

Inspire a new generation to thrive in an evolving world through the conscious use and awareness of their inner power.

How do children

become Superheroes?


They only need the strength of your power, to get access to the tools of a conscious education that reconnects them with their inner power, ignites awareness, refines their sense of being, and transforms their power of decision into one of accomplishments and happiness.



How it works:

Empowers children to build
healthy self-esteem

Elevates standards of
of their possibilities and

Unleashes their inner
superpower of confidence,
resilience, kindness
and balanced emotions

Online program delivered
through teachers, educators
or other care-givers

  Geared to ages
5-9 years old

Include instructor wellbeing,
so that through the personal
growth activities they can reap
the benefits of the Superhero

Transformation Opportunity

Why adopt this program?

There is power behind every one of our Superheroes and that power is fueled by educators and parents.

This fuel includes:

Your belief in them
as they discover their power

Your reinforcement as their sense
of achievement

Your honest
investment in
their true potential


How do children

become Superheroes?


They only need the strength of your power, to get access to the tools of a conscious education that reconnects them with their inner power, ignites awareness, refines their sense of being, and transforms their power of decision into one of accomplishments and happiness.


How it works:

Empowers children to build healthy self-esteem
Online program delivered through teachers, educators
or other care-givers

Elevates standards of awareness of their possibilities and potential
Geared to ages 5-9 years old

Unleashes their inner superpower of confidence, resilience, kindness and balanced emotions
Include instructor wellbeing, so that through the personal growth activities they can reap the benefits of the Superhero program

Transformation Opportunity

Why adopt this program? This fuel includes:

There is power behind every
one of our Superheroes and
that power is fueled by
educators and parents.

Your belief in them as they discover their power
Your reinforcement as their sense of achievement increases
Your honest investment in
their true potential


The World Health Organization

(2021), found the following:

Globally, one in seven 10-19-year-olds around the world experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group. In fact, over 80,000 youth worldwide experience symptoms of depression and anxiety every day.

Depression, anxiety and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.


Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds.

The consequences of failing to address adolescent mental health conditions extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and mental health and

limiting opportunities to lead fulfilling lives as adults. 

Benefits of being a Superhero:


Children and teachers with
healthy self-esteem will improve
the school environment.

Decreased disciplinary
issues inside and outside
of the classroom.

Creating a
more inclusive environment.

Heightened listening
and deciphering skills.

Mindful community
and increased motivation for
self-care (mind/body/self).


Decreased bullying.
Increased respect for
peers, teachers, and materials.

Ownership of actions

and a newly found desire to
positively resolve conflicts.

Enhanced communication:
and school-parents.

Activated desire to read and learn.

Improved academic performance.


Kids enjoy being
kids again

Teachers enjoy
reconnecting with their
passion of teaching.

When children reconnect
with their inner power
they learn social-emotional
skills that allow them to
thrive in life.


empathy and kindness



“Everyone is born with
the power within to live extraordinary lives!”


-Sir Ken Robinson.



The World Health Organization (2021), found the following:

Globally, one in seven 10-19 year-olds around the world experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group. In fact, over 80,000 youth worldwide experience symptoms of depression and anxiety every day.

Depression, anxiety and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.

Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds.

The consequences of failing to address adolescent mental health conditions extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and mental health and limiting opportunities to lead fulfilling lives as adults.

Benefits of being a Superhero:


Children and teachers with healthy self-esteem will improve the school environment.

Decreased disciplinary
issues inside and outside
of the classroom.

Creating a
more inclusive

Heightened listening
and deciphering skills.

Mindful community
and increased motivation for self-care (mind/body/self).

Decreased bullying.
Increased respect for peers, teachers, and materials.

Ownership of
actions and a
newly found
desire to

positively resolve conflicts.
Enhanced communication:
and school-parents.

Activated desire
to read and learn.

Improved academic performance.

Kids enjoy

kids again

Teachers enjoy
reconnecting withtheir
passion of teaching.

When children
reconnect with their inner power they learn social-emotional skills that allow them to
thrive in life.

empathy and kindness

 “Everyone is born with the power within to live extraordinary lives!”

-Sir Ken Robinson.


The Superheroes
program teaches

transformational and evidence-based tools such as visualizations so children can see themselves being, doing or having the life they desire, positive affirmations so they can support their vision through a healthy self-talk and mindfulness to balance emotions while boosting their self-esteem.

Aligned with your vision the Program can enhance your own objectives –The program focuses on content that we believe can match and complement your amazing mission with children.

We have witnessed the transformational force
of aligning the power of our program with teachings, missions, and objectives as your own, resulting in empowered children.

Regardless of their current conditions, children
discover the strength of their own resilience and learn manifestation tools that serve as social-emotional skills to thrive in life.

This results in a generation full of conscious,
happy adults that our evolving planet desperately needs.

This program develops children into Superheroes with skills that they can use as they grow.


When a child discovers his/her abilities to reach their full potential, they can change the trajectory of their lives.

Superheroes know how to

Acknowledge & Connect with Inner Power

Love and Care

for Nature

Respect Diversity

Develop Self-Esteem and Self-Love

Have Inner Strength and Confidence
Display Confident Leadership and Performance Skills

Use Visualization to Manifest Enhanced Learning Skills

Feel Serenity

Act in a Healthy and Mindful way 
Express Gratitude and Joy

Express Kindness

Our Programs!

The Steps to Becoming a Superhero

The ULTIMATE RESOURCES for forward-thinking educators to empower & connect with themselves and their students like never before.
The only program out there that combines empowerment and self-care for educators within an internationally validated curriculum designed to teach kids the most powerful proven tools to thrive in life: Positive Self-Affirmations, Visualizations and Mindfulness!

Los Pasos para Convertirte en Superhéroe

Los RECURSOS DEFINITIVOS para que los educadores con visión de futuro se capaciten y conecten consigo mismos y con sus alumnos como nunca antes.
El único programa que combina el empoderamiento y el cuidado personal para educadores dentro de un plan de estudios validado internacionalmente, diseñado para enseñar a los niños herramientas poderosas comprobadas para prosperar en la vida: autoafirmaciones positivas, visualizaciones y atención plena!


The Superheroes
program teaches

Transformational and evidence-based tools such as visualizations so children can see themselves being, doing or having the life they desire, positive affirmations so they can support their vision through a healthy self-talk and mindfulness to balance emotions while boosting their self-esteem.

Aligned with your vision the Program can enhance your own objectives – The program focuses on content that we believe can match and complement your amazing mission with children.

We have witnessed the transformational force of aligning the power of our program with teachings, missions, and objectives as your own, resulting in empowered children.

This program develops children into Superheroes with skills that they can use as they grow.

Regardless of their current conditions, children discover the strength of their own resilience and learn manifestation tools that serve as social-emotional skills to thrive in life.

This results in a generation full of conscious, happy adults that our evolving planet desperately needs.

When a child discovers his/her abilities to reach their full potential, they can change the trajectory of their lives.


Superheroes know how to:

iconos pagina web super hero-17 Acknowledge & Connect
with Inner Power

iconos pagina web super hero-18 Develop Self-Esteem and Self-Love

iconos pagina web super hero-19 Use Visualization to
Manifest Enhanced
Learning Skills

iconos pagina web super hero-20 Love and Care for Nature

iconos pagina web super hero-22 Have Inner Strength
and Confidence

iconos pagina web super hero-23 Feel Serenity
iconos pagina web super hero-21 Express Gratitude and Joy
iconos pagina web super hero-24 Respect Diversity
iconos pagina web super hero-25 Display Confident Leadership
and Performance Skills
iconos pagina web super hero-26 Act in a Healthy and
Mindful way
iconos pagina web super hero-27 Express Kindness

Our Programs!

The Steps to Becoming a Superhero

The ULTIMATE RESOURCES for forward-thinking educators to empower & connect with themselves and their students like never before.
The only program out there that combines empowerment and self-care for educators within an internationally validated curriculum designed to teach kids the most powerful proven tools to thrive in life: Positive Self-Affirmations, Visualizations and Mindfulness!


Los Pasos para Convertirte en Superhéroe

 Los RECURSOS DEFINITIVOS para que los educadores con visión de futuro se capaciten y conecten consigo mismos y con sus alumnos como nunca antes.
 El único programa que combina el empoderamiento y el cuidado personal para educadores dentro de un plan de estudios validado internacionalmente, diseñado para enseñar a los niños herramientas poderosas comprobadas para prosperar en la vida: autoafirmaciones positivas, visualizaciones y atención plena!


Carolina, mother of two teenagers, is an entrepreneur at heart
who has founded and directed several successful international companies, in different areas of logistics, technology, consulting, and education and mindset coaching. She has a strong calling for contributing and sharing tools and skills for success.

Carolina wanted to provide her children with a strong holistic personal foundation and, together with leading educators, and created "The Superhero Programs”